Purpose Statement
The Missions and Outreach programs of FBC are directed toward fulfilling the Great Commission of Christ recorded in Matthew 28:19-20, by spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ in our community and all the world. Through its Missions and Outreach programs FBC seeks to glorify God by ministering to needs locally and around the world and by nurturing the spiritual welfare of others.
Important Dates to Remember:
- March 3rd – 9th: Week of Prayer for North American Missions/Annie Armstrong Easter Offering
- June 23rd – Missions Dignity Special Offering
- August 3rd – First Blessing / Backpack Event – 9:00 am to 12:30 pm
- September 8th – 14th: Week of Prayer for Texas Missions/Mary Hill Davis Offering
- November – Salvation Army Bell Ringer Sign-Up
- December 1st – 7th: Week of Prayer for International Missions / Lottie Moon Christmas Offering
Monthly Activities:
→ The Missions Committee meets the second Sunday of the month after Sunday Worship in the Sanctuary. (Meeting on the third Sunday in May, the 19th, due to Mother’s Day).
→ Bangs Mobile Food Pantry meets on the third Monday of every month at Cannon Courts Apartments, and the 4th Tuesday of every month at Bangs Housing Authority.
→ The Medical Closet: Medical equipment is available for loan to church members and their families, such as wheel chairs, walkers, bed rails, canes, and more, by appointment only. Call the church office at 325-752-6724 to make an appointment. Donations are always welcome and are accepted Monday-Friday during regular office hours.